





Title Tangible outcomes Start date End date Status
UM WP1 Analysis of key issues of traffic safety needed to be managed in WB region – PREPARATION
1.1 Analysis of the status of traffic safety in WB Report on status of traffic safety in WB 15-11-2018 14-05-2019 completed
1.2 Analysis of established practices in EU countries for traffic safety Report on established practices in EU countries for traffic safety 15-11-2018 14-04-2019 completed
1.3 Analysis of underg./master curricula best practices in EU and WB partners and Catalogue of competencies Report on Analysis of underg./master curricula best practicies in EU and WB partners

Catalog of competencies

15-11-2018 14-05-2019 completed
Workshop (3 days) organized at UM in April 2019
1.4 Identification of needed resources for harmonization of WB lab environment WB HEIs laboratory equipment lists 15-11-2018 14-04-2019 completed
Report on needed resources for harmonization of WB laboratory
1.5 Introduction with traffic safety innovative practices in EU Report on traffic safety innovative practices in EU 15-12-2018 14-05-2019 completed
Workshop (3 days) organized at UM in April 2019
OU WP2 WP2 Improvement and development of underg./master curricula – DEVELOPMENT
2.1 Definition of aims, specific competencies and learning outcomes of underg./master curriculum per HEI in WB; Catalog of Courses Catalogue of courses

Katalog kurseva

15-05-2019 14-12-2019 completed
2.2 Development of courses content and syllabi; TRAFSAF syllabi TRAFSAF SYLLABI


15-07-2019 14-12-2019 completed
2.3 Training of teaching staff Teaching staff trained 01-04-2019* 14-07-2020* completed
2.4 Improvement of teaching environment and equipping of labs Report on Improvement of teaching environment and equipping of labs 15-03-2019 14-10-2019 completed
LUT WP3 WP3 Development of trainings for traffic safety professionals – DEVELOPMENT
3.1 Survey of citizens’ and public sector awareness in traffic safety Report on survey in WB – ENLocal languages
15-01-2019 14-05-2019 completed
3.2 Report on LLL by EU HEIs for traffic safety professionals Report on LLL courses in EU for traffic safety professionals final 15-01-2019 14-05-2019 completed
3.3 Preparation of trainings’ materials and selection of teachers Trainings’ material prepared and teachers for implementation of trainings selected 15-05-2019 14-03-2020 completed
UNS WP4 Implementation of developed underg./master curricula and trainings – DEVELOPMENT
4.1 Enrollment of students Students enrolled 15-06-2020 14-10-2020 completed
4.2 Training of traffic safety professionals Traffic saffety professionals trained 15-04-2020* 14-04-2021* completed
4.3 Quality report on underg./master curricula Quality reports 15-01-2021 14-09-2021 completed
4.4 Quality report on trainings Quality reports 15-05-2021* 14-05-2021* completed
UPM WP5 Quality assurance and monitoring – Quality plan
5.1 Adoption of Quality Assurance plan Quality Assurance Plan

Internal quality control visits

15-12-2018 14-02-2019 completed
5.2 Regular Quality Assurance

Committee meetings

Minutes of the QAC meetings 15-12-2018* 14-11-2021* completed
5.3 Report of the external quality evaluation Report on External Evaluation 15-03-2020 14-05-2020 completed
5.4 Report of the external auditor Report on the financial audit 15-04-2021 14-11-2021 completed
5.5 Report on the inter-project coaching Minutes of the Inter-project coaching meeting 15-02-2020* 14-05-2020* completed
UPKM WP6 Dissemination and exploitation – Dissemination & exploitation
6.1 Creation of the

Dissemination &

Exploitation Plan

Dissemination and exploitation plan 15-12-2018 14-03-2019 completed
6.2 Development of project website and promotional materials Project website, partner’s websites and promotional material created and distributed 15-12-2018 14-11-2021 completed
6.3 Promotion of student enrolment Info days for student enrollment organized 15-03-2020 14-05-2020 completed
6.4 Promotion of trainings Promotion of trainings organized 15-02-2020* 14-03-2021* completed
6.5 Accredition of undergraduate/master curricula Undergraduate/master curricula accreditied/reaccreditied 15-03-2020 14-09-2020 completed
6.6 Creation of sustainability plan Academic Sustainability Plan final v01

Academic Sustainability Plan final v02

Financial Sustainability Plan final

15-12-2018 14-03-2019 completed
6.7 Promotion of traffic safety in WB Reports on promotion events of traffic safety in WB 15-10-2019* 14-09-2021* completed
6.8 Student winter/summer schools Event report on the Winter School – LUT

Event Report on the Winter School – OU

15-10-2020* 14-06-2021* completed
UPKM WP7 Project management – MANAGEMENT
7.1 Kick-off meeting Event Report 15-11-2018 14-01-2019 completed
7.2 Grantholders meeting Minutes of the meeting 15-01-2019 14-02-2019 completed
7.3 Guidelines on the project management and reporting Guidelines on the Project management and reporting created 15-12-2018 14-03-2019 completed
7.4 Consortium SC and PMC meetings Minutes of SC and PMC meetings 15-03-2019* 14-11-2021* completed
7.5 Project coordination Project corespondence 15-11-2018 14-11-2021 completed
7.6 Preparation of the Interim and final reports Technical and Final Report submitted 15-01-2020 14-11-2021 completed

* the activity has been postponed due to coronavirus situation