University Adriatic Bar

The University “Adriatik” Bar (AUB) was founded in 2017. as a higher education institution with a mission to enable all students from Montenegro, the region and the world to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for their successful business career. It consists of seven Faculties. One of them is the Faculty for Traffic Communication and Logistics Budva. It is the only accredited Faculty from this field in Montenegro. FSKL was established as higher education institution as public-private partnership on 16th January 2008. Its foundation was supported by: Within European Union transport got promotional role in European integration. For Montenegro, as ecological country, with “tourism and eco-economy”, the traffic is defined as the basic factor of realisation of those strategic directions. For contemporary traffic system, appropriate staff is needed from the field of traffic, communication and logistics. That is why the basic task of FSKL is education of engineers from the field of railway, roads, air and post traffic, communication and logistics, based on contemporary knowledge, and who will be able to develop traffic system of Montenegro and to involve it efficiently into the European and World’s traffic system. Within the faculty there is a traffic safety center. There are 20 employed ones in the Faculty, and 4 employed in administration and partly engaged for teaching 15. Total number of students, on the basic study programs, is 170, and on posts graduate studies-31 students. The Faculty has published up to now 31 books, monographic, collection of works, made 20 projects and expertise, organised 9 conferences and round table meetings and seminars in order to improve knowledge, with international participation. The Faculty successfully realised the IPA Project “Better collaboration for better future” realized in 2011. The scientific-research project “Introducing modern procedures for the improvement of the road safety in Montenegro”, a three-year project financed by the Ministry of Science of Montenegro 2012-2015. The Faculty organised the great number of International Conferences from the field traffic safety.


  1. Vujadin Vešović
  2. Milan Vujanić
  3. Milenko Čabarkapa
  4. Marko Asanović
  5. Desanka Vlačić
  6. Marija Vuković