
The project consortium will consist of WB partners:


University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica (UPKM, Kosovo*)
Technical College of Applied Sciences Urosevac with temporary seat in Leposavic (TCASU, Kosovo*)
Center for Development of Local Communities Kosovska Mitrovica (CRLS, Kosovo*)
University of Novi Sad (UNS, Serbia)
The College of Applied Technical Sciences Niš (VTSNIS, Serbia)
Road Traffic Safety Agency of the Republic of Serbia (ABS, Serbiа)
University of Sarajevo (UNSA, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Sinergija University Bijeljina (US, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Traffic Safety Agency of Republic of Srpska (TSARS, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
University Adriatic Bar (AUB, Montenegro)
Univerzitet Crne Gore (UoM, Montenegro)
ALPHA Centre (AC, Montenegro)

and EU partners:


Universidad Politécnica de Madrid [UPM, Spain]
Obuda University (OU, Hungary)
Lublin University of Technology [LUT, Poland]
University of Maribor (UM, Slovenia)

The allocation of tasks will be according to the following general principle: – the EU partners will provide academic expertise, transfer of knowledge in the field of Traffic Safety, expertise of implementing the Bologna system based on ECTS and mobility, monitoring and peer review, – the WB partners will improve the level of competences and skills in their HEIs by improving and developing Undergraduate or Master Studies curricula, improving of teaching staff competences both expert and language, increasing awareness of public sector on risk of road users from being killed or seriously injured. They will also provide trainings for traffic safety professionals. More specifically, the WP1 “Analysis of key issues of traffic safety needed to be managed in Western Balkan region” (preparation) will be led by UM, the WP2 “Improvement and development of curricula” (development) by OU, the WP3 “Development of trainings for citizens and public sector” (development) by LUT, the WP4 “Enforcement of developed curricula and trainings” (development) by the UNS, the WP5 “Quality assurance and monitoring” (quality plan) by UPM, the WP6 “Dissemination and Exploitation” by ABS, the WP7 “Project management” by UPKM.