This document reports the Sixth Quality Assurance Committee Meeting of the Erasmus + Capacity Building in the field of the Higher Education project “Improving the Traffic Safety in the Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies” (TRAFSAF). The meeting has been organized by the University of Novi Sad (UNS), Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS) on 3rd of December 2021 in Rectory Building, Dr. Zorana Đinđića 1, Novi Sad.
The meeting started at 15:15.
Chairman of the Meeting was Prof. Dr. Slobodan Bojanic, as the representative of the UPM which is leader of the WP 5 Quality assurance and monitoring – Quality plan within the TRAFSAF project.
The main objectives of the meeting were:
- Preparation for second external evaluation report
- IQC visit to USB
- Analyses Annex N-2 progress in deliverable reporting and Annex T Final quality report
- Analysis of self-evaluation reports of implemented study programmes and developed subjects
- Analysis of the reports on the trainings for TSP
- General discussion and closure of the meeting.
The meeting ended at 17:00 p.m.
Agenda Sixth QAC meeting Novi Sad
Event report sixth QAC meeting 1
Minutes of the Sixth QAC meeting