WP1 Analysis of key issues of traffic safety needed to be managed in WB region
1.1 Report on the status of traffic safety in WB
1.2 Survey of established practices in EU countries for traffic safety
1.3 Report on undergraduate/master curricula best practices in EU and WB partners and Catalogue of competencies
1.4 Report on needed resources for harmonization of WB lab environment
1.5 Report on traffic safety innovative practices in EU
WP2 Improvement and development of undergraduate/master curricula
2.1 Definition of aims, specific competencies and learning outcomes of undergraduate/master
curriculum per HEI in WB
2.2 Development of courses content and syllabi
2.3 Training of teaching staff
2.4 Improvement of teaching environment and equipping of labs
WP3 Development of trainings for traffic safety professionals
3.1 Survey of citizens’ and public sector awareness
3.2 Report on LLL by EU HEIs for traffic safety professionals
3.3 Preparation of trainings’ materials and selection of teachers
WP4 Implementation of developed undergraduate/master curricula and trainings
4.1 Enrollment of students
4.2 Training of traffic safety professionals
4.3 Quality report on undergraduate/master curricula
4.4 Quality report on trainings
WP5 Quality assurance and monitoring
5.1 Adoption of quality control plan
5.2 Regular QAC meetings
5.3 Report of the external quality evaluation
5.4 Report of the external auditor
5.5 Report on the inter project coaching
WP6 Dissemination and Exploitation
6.1 Creation of dissemination and exploitation plan
6.2 Development of project web site and promotional material
6.3 Promotion of student enrolment
6.4 Promotion of trainings
6.5 Accreditation/reaccreditation of undergraduate/master curricula
6.6 Creation of sustainability plan
6.7 Promotion of traffic safety in WB
6.8 Student winter/summer schools
WP7 Project management
7.1 Kick-off meeting
7.2 Grantholders meeting
7.3 Guidelines on the project management and reporting
7.4 Consortium SC and PMC meetings
7.5 Project coordination
7.6 Interim and final reports